Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, June 22, 2007


It seems really strange to think that about a month ago I was coming home to Canada and settling back down into a normal routine only to interupt it again as I head to Ecuador next Sunday for a month!!!!!!

I regret to inform you that there will be no blog for Ecuador (there was going to be but I had second thoughts for a number of reasons) but I will send out albums whenever I can and I promise they will come with very detailed captions (mini ESSAYS!!!).

Love you all tons!!
Jane <3

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hometime WOOT WOOT!!!

So this is it. I feel like a kid who has just been given a bucket of ice cream and told that they must eat it all...EVERY ... LAST .... BITE. Today I spent the whole day packing and after several failed attempts I finally managed to get it all stuffed in my bags AND all under the weight limit. Can I get a hip hip hooray? I had super yummy artichokes and my last fresh eggs (softboiled) for dinner and bought a USB port thing for my pictures and then went to soccer. Turns out they were just spending soccer eating chocolate and drinking coke so I joined them for a half hour and at the end they gave me a Phénix Cavaillon soccer warm up shirt and sport bag and pen (AWESOME!!!!) I spent the whole day kind of depressed and mopey about going home (I guess that means kudos to these three months) and now I cannot sleep and it is approaching midnight and I am waking up at 4:15. YIKES!!!

I guess the real reflection part is now. When I got to Aurore's house I walked around, touched everything, explored everything, said hello to everyone and felt such a sense of joy, excitement and adventure and inspiration. And here I am no longer sad about going home and reflecting on the past three months I feel the same sensation. That's it really, I just feel good. Which is nice.

This morning Aurore also gave me a book she made filled with pictures and all sorts of funky little Aurore sayings and drawings and decorations from the three months and was really nice and all "I'm really going to miss you, let's visit" which was also, incredibly nice. In 4some hours I head off the airport for my big day home and Aurore, Philip and Sylvie are seeing me off (according to Alix, it is much to early, so I said goodbye to her around 8pm) and I am pretty damn psyched.

So.....I love you all for being there and being yourselves and being encouraging and supportive and above all else faithful blog readers and commenters and I hope that some of these blogs haven't bored you to death =) and I will send out the link of my Ecuador blog through my mom in 3 or 4 weeks.

Te quiero mucho (aimed at everyone!!)
Jane, xoxo

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 15th, last day at Benoit and second last France day!!!

My class, Kayla's creepy arm thing, the nuts English teacher and the three people are Emilie, Jenn and Char, my friends from my class! <3 SOON!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Il faut que tu saches: J'irai chercher ton cœur si tu l'emportes ailleurs

So I went to the soccer game!!! Woot woot!! And it was awesome!!! I only played for like a second but I learned so much, had so much fun and I am really really superly happy that I went!!!!!!! (FYI, click on the picture to blow it up so you can see everybody!!!)

THIS WEEKEND has been amazing. A great last weekend. A superb last weekend. A last weekend to knock all other last weekends OFF the chart. First I spent all Saturday morning just getting ready for our guests and at lunch time we ate a great lunch (although lordilordy I cannot for the life of me remember what it was, hmm...) with our guests (aunt, uncle and half deaf cousin) and spent the afternoon shopping, (gorgeous red top btw) swimming, (god I love that pool) and relaxing and listening to music before another awesome meal and cake. In the evening I had a water fight with Aurore and Philippe (I kicked ass you will be happy to know!!) and then I watched a bit of the French Soccer Cup (between Paris and Marseille, L'OM lost by the way much to the disappointment of Aurore who was wrapped in L'OM clothing and a hat!) and 2 episodes of my guilty guilty endulgence/pleasure "One Tree Hill." I finally crashed around 11:30 pm and was up eating yummy cereal for breakfast and hanging out and all that. Around noon Hervé and Chantal from Morocco came to eat with us and I left around 12:30 for soccer. The game started around 2 and ended near 4 and I left, after several teams pictures around 5. So, I just got home. For the record, we WONNNNN!!!!!!! 3-1 contre all my fave Canadian enemies (just joking) in LE THOR, of all the places!!!!!! Anyhow, now it is 5:08 and I am going to do a little Spanish prep work and listen to music and veg for a bit and then we will eat, I shall indulge myself with some OTH (one tree hill) and then I shall snooze. Lovely plan huh? Trust me, I LOVE IT LIKE THIS!!!!!

That brings me to Monday which is school, homework and then shopping for goodies to bring home (FYI I am not overloading on candy to bring home because I just don't feel like it, plus the pressies I bought take up too much room!!!!) and then it's Tuesday which is school and then Wednesday which is homework, packing, nice dinner with the family and then I am going to soccer to take pictures of the practices, the team and my friends and then I am maybe going to sleep (I say maybe because I don't see the point considering I have to get up around 2 or 3 in the morning, it might even be better for jetlag if I just save the sleeping and all that for the plane!!! We shall see) and then it's Thursday and I'm gone. This weekend has passed so quickly, I have no doubt that Monday and Tuesday will as well because school days tend to fly by and then Wednesday will be busy packing and repacking and weighing my luggage. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, time flies when you are having fun, time flies when you've had fun and time will fly when you're having fun. I am happy. Happy, happy, happy.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I am a liar. My apologies for being a liar. Here I spit off crap about writing on Friday and then I blow you all off for what??? (A two hour soccer practice in which we did nothing but run and run and run in the heat AND a couple of relaxing episodes of One Tree Hill, my very guilty pleasure) Anyway, I am here today and here now. So here, ladies and gents, is your blog.

Soccer games dropped like flies and I've been given a chance to play one game tomorrow with the seniors (19+) which are mostly adults in their thirties and I would have to play the hardest I have ever played but I think I am going to pass on that because I'm not up to it. Wednesday I'm dropping by the practice to get a team pic!! Fun fun. Today we have 4 guest coming for the entire weekend and tomorrow at lucnh Hervé and Chantal (the couple that went to Morocco with us) are coming for lunch and they will give me their cd of pics from Morocco, that include more of meeeeee!!! Charming.

Today and Sunday I plan on working, swimming, soaking up the sun and just chilling (but mostly working and then swimming and then chilling and probably not soaking up the sun) and organizing some of my junk =). Monday and Tuesday is school and Wednesday is packing and Thursday is home. There is nothing amazing or even moderately great about the next couple of days so it's just going to be work and relaxing and counting the days. I know, not the best way to do it, but now that I'm down to five full France days left, I feel pretty okay with playing the countdown game, especially since the lack of airconditioning in this house and the recent heatwave are making me nutty. Ah well. By the way, how is the wheather in Canada??

This past week has been nuts. It has flown by (another reason why the next couple of days should too) and I have pretty much worked on Canadian homework, gone to school, played soccer and hung around the house. I have not blogged because I reall have not had much to say. Life - right now - kind of blows.

Wake up - computer - shower,chores - iPod - lunch - homework - swim - music, book, vegging - snack - homework, music, book, vegging - dinner - get ready for sleep - watch episodes - sleep

THAT is my current daily routine. It looks mundane it looks awful and it looks like something you would get bored of easily, but the truth is, I'm liking the days that are like this (only in small 5some days doses though) because they relax me and let me really relax. I think though that I will be tired of that when I come home which is perfect because once I come home I don't have a free weekend until August (which judging by what I'm doing is great but also a litte annoying as well)

So, not a wonderful, great blog but not a sad, Jane is in crappy mood blog. I am happy, really I am, I am just whipped and enjoying this kind of relaxing-ness and looking forward to seeing everybody again.

The high point? I kind of saw it (going back home to Canada) for awhile there near the end fo this exchange (like a week or two ago)as a my life is starting over again kind of thing and I was excited to do that. Now I am just excited to go home but I don't see it as a start over and nor do I see any reason to rush because I am perfectly happy just where I am. BREAKTHOUGH, what I wanted to feel all my last exchange and all this exchange, perfectly happy where I am and not living in anticipation of the going home part, I am feeling now and that for me, is a dream come true!!!

ps - I've been writing less frequently because these days don't give me tons to write about, but I will write atleast once more before I leave. One of those reflect back on what you learned, did, felt, regretted, etc. blogs!!!
LOVE YOU ALL, FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm only human and that's my saving grace

Okay, so the picture above is of Kayla's arm. My self portrait on Kayla's arm. THAT is what Kayla and I do in music class (called chant choral here) and I just thought I would share because I love it!!!!!!! <333333

Anyhow, tomorrow as I have no school (only monday and tuesday left of school aaaaah!!!) and loads of free time (although I will be busy doing homework for canada, yuck) I will blog and give you a complete update. So look for that tomorrow.

Ciao until then,